Boots to Business Revenue Readiness Course

Revenue Readiness Features

B2B Revenue Readiness course is a Lean (compressed) approach to developing your Business Plan. Over a six week period of interactive virtual classroom instruction, you will develop and refine your Business Model into a Business Plan. All of this will be accomplished with constant feedback from an instructor team of successful small business owners.

Revenue Readiness Features:

LEAN SIX-WEEK virtual learning led by experienced business owners

LIVE interactive one hour sessions meet twice a week

RECORDED sessions allow for review and catch up

ASSIGNMENTS focus on building the business model & business plan

BUSINESS PLAN development feedback in real time and continuous

ONE ON ONE REVIEW by instructors and specialists

GRADUATION HANDSHAKE with SBA resource partner

B2B Revenue Readiness Slide

As with the Boots to Business (B2B) and Boots to Business Reboot introduction courses, there is no cost to the eligible veteran or spouse for enrolling in this course.

B2B Video & Instructions



Enroll Now

  1. Review Upcoming Classes and select Enroll Online
  2. Create your student profile at the MSU Extension Center for Continuing Education site
  3. Click the Boots to Business Revenue Readiness Course Title
  4. Choose your desired class section by selecting “Add To Cart”
  5. Complete registration/confirmation process

Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact to make accommodations.